About Max Dashu

Max Dashu founded the Suppressed Histories Archives in 1970 to research and document global women’s history, reflecting the full spectrum of the world’s peoples. She has built a collection of 40,000 images, from which she has created 130 slideshows on female cultural heritages, including Indigenous traditions, and patterns of domination. She is internationally known for her expertise on ancient female iconography, matricultures and patriarchal systems, medicine women and shamans, witch hunts, and female spheres of power.

Dashu uses images to teach, scanning the cultural record: archaeology, history, art, orature, linguistics and spiritual philosophies. She has presented her visual talks in North and Central America, Europe, and Australia, delivering keynotes, at numerous conferences and published in journals and anthologies, such as Goddesses in World Mythology (Praeger 2010) and the Encyclopedia of Women in World Religion (ABC-Clio 2018) . Dashu has published two videos on dvd: Women’s Power in Global Perspective (2008) and Woman Shaman: The Ancients (2013). Her book Witches and Pagans: Women in European Folk Religion, 700-1000 was published by Veleda Press in 2016.

Pythias and Melissae (Vol II in Dashu’s 15-volume series Secret History of the Witches) is forthcoming in 2018. The Suppressed Histories Archives is followed by 164,000 people on Facebook and ranks in the top 1% views on Academia.edu: https://suppressedhistories.academia.edu/MaxDashu